健行数媒|半仙  获2023年大专院校影音甄选大赛特优

  • 2023-11-28
  • 邱 俊钦

++半仙 / Youtube

半仙 / 剧情提要|遭诈骗受害者(李凌捷饰),因运气不顺寻求道士半仙(陈柏旸饰)问卜,道士看面相后发现受害者印堂发黑与遭诈骗有关,与其信众中的第三个粉丝死因相同,告知需谨慎为之。未料数日后警方(刑警组长洪诗涵、干员徐寗琳饰)在一处偏僻地点发现尸体,并从钱包中发现遭诈骗汇款单,而汇款者就是问卜的受害者,命运竟与第三个粉丝相同,显示诈骗层出不穷,难逃之灾。全片以150秒道尽年轻人缺乏谨慎之心遭情色诈骗,难逃半仙所言,殷殷提醒「陌生转帐、必有风险」之诫。

演员| 道士半仙(陈柏旸饰) 诈骗受害(李凌捷饰)刑警组长(洪诗涵饰) 刑警干员 (徐寗琳饰)
摄影| 张玮庭 林益民 温伟钦
灯光| 邱少纬 沈冠廷 洪忻愉 王 菲 郑伟泽 赵俊杰 张宸恺 陈以恩 董骏苇
后置剪接调色 |邱俊钦
现场收音| 林益民 张玮庭
音乐授权| StoryBlocks购买商业授权音乐库 drip-by-drip-SBA-347666810 making-a-villain-SBA-346476499
客串演出| 邓亚勋 潘怡臻 林豊庭 林守仪 韩家熏 邱少纬 薛尉廷 陈益霆 潘佑豪 黄幸怡 曹敬韦 罗少妤 盛枫逸 陈柏豪 蔡松宪 范沅诚 张宸恺 梁彦城 董骏苇 柯志旸 陈紫媛 郑伟泽 赵俊杰 洪忻愉 范植翔 王 菲 沈冠廷 王钰婷 赵敏秀 石明哲 罗义民 裴氏明玉 王冠霖 陈以恩 刘育成 张雪玲 黄文亮 张家騵 张立澄 张玮庭
美术指导 制片总监| 邱俊钦
监制| 陈进益

半仙|(2023) 健行科技大学数码多媒体设计系 | 健行科大数媒制片厂 | 健行数媒有事吗影视团队


Plot Summary|Fortune teller The story revolves around a fraud victim(portrayed by Li Lingjie), who, facing a streak of bad luck, seeks guidance from the fortune teller(played by Chen Baiyang). After reading the victim's face, fortune teller discovers a connection between the victim's dark forehead and the fraud. What's more, the cause of death of the third fan among the seer's followers is eerily similar. Fortune teller warns the victim to be cautious. To everyone's surprise, a few days later, the police(depicted by Hong Shihan and Xu Ninglin), discover a body in a remote location. Inside the victim's wallet, they find a fraudulent money transfer receipt. Astonishingly, the victim's fate mirrors that of the third fan, indicating a recurring pattern of scams. The entire film succinctly conveys, in just 150 seconds, the story of young people falling prey to online erotic scams due to their lack of caution. It serves as a poignant reminder, echoing Ban Xian's advice, to be wary of transferring money to strangers, as it always carries a degree of risk.
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++半仙 / Youtube. https://youtu.be/539YdnsFSOM